Wednesday, February 15, 2023


Don't listen. Just watch.  CGI is MARVELous.  The story is silly, but you really won't care.  Much. The creatures. Characters. And technical aspect of this ridiculous story will keep you in your seat while you stuff your ears with cotton.  BTW Michael Douglas appeared to be wearing a hearing aid as well, but I suspect this was meant to be his means of communication with the ants or some other monster.  But he more or less steals film when he--as a total human --leads the giant ants to save the day and picture which by now you are hoping will end sooner than later.  Michelle Pfeiffer is terrific and terrifically beautiful as she does not appear to age. Paul Rudd is charming and facile as always as is Evangeline Lilly. Again it is Bill Murray who comes to the rescue when plot lags which it does throughout the film.  The cast is great in the acting department, but the absurd premise makes their acting even more than adequate.  I have not seen the previous Ant-Man sagas, but I suspect there will be another sequel as the ending implies.  The audience is massive for this franchise as hoots and hollers were heard before the credits began to roll. While I was wondering why?  And I never found out.