Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Remembering Whitney Houston

Though the actual cause of Whitney Houston's death is not yet in, it appears it was her choice.  Though I did not know her, she was strong willed and self will run riot is the core of the addictive mind.  Dr.Drew says they should have been monitoring her, but the will of an addict is iron clad.  I don't believe monitoring her would  have worked.
 I identify with Houston's death as my choice of drugs was Valium combined with white wine.  Seeing Betty Ford on TV saying that her addiction was Valium and wine did not stop me.  "Look what the Presidency did to that poor woman," I thought as I swallowed a Valium and reached for my wine. On December 25, I had 31 years sober with the Grace of God.  I don't think anyone in the press is talking about the Grace of God. Maybe Whitney Houston's tragic death along with Michael Jackson will put more eyes on the 'chicdom' of the disease of addiction and the importance of gratitude for a simple life simply led.

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